Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Magic Marker Maker

Lydia likes to surf You Tube videos of toy reviews.  She has seen quite a few but it is unusual for one specific toy to really catch her attention.  The Magic Marker Maker was the exception.  "Pleeeazzze Mommy!"  I used the art of distraction to take her mind off of it at the time.  However, John and I found ourselves comforting a crying Lydia in the middle of the night, complaining of ear pain, but not allowing us to put drops in her ear.  Her reluctance to take medicine drives me nuts.  "How about a Magic Marker Maker Lydia?" I am not above bribing my kids for sleep.  Of course it worked!  Lydia jumped out of bed this morning feeling good and ready to head to the store. She really loves this new toy!  Megan

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