Friday, September 30, 2011

Happy 2 Year Anniversary Condo!

Two years ago today John and I closed on our first home. Juxtaposed to the gray buildings and lack of vegetation in Japan, our condo seemed hyper-color. Needless to say, we were thrilled from the moment we first stepped into it (as shown in this picture). It has been an amazing two years, thankfully hurricane-free. Just yesterday I was feeding Lydia on the sofa when several dolphins caught my eye. Doesn't get much better than that. Megan

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Run for the Reef

I have set a goal for myself to complete a 5K on October 15th. I just need to get my hands on a jogging stroller or find someone to watch Lydia during the race because John will be gone on a work trip. I'm excited to participate in an event that supports Navarre Beach and it has been a great personal motivator. Lydia is a trooper and goes with me to the gym. I can't honestly say that I mind the treadmill mini-breaks to put back in the pacifier. Megan

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tubbie Time Part 2

So it finally happened last night for the first time ever, Lydia pooped in the bathtub. Luckily, the paper towels were within reach. Following clean-up, I did not notice that the water had returned to cold. Well, it certainly caught Lydia's attention! She quickly turned her head towards me and gave me an intense stare. I immediately knew what she was communicating. No need for crying, Lydia was able to tell me exactly what she wanted with her eyes. This means a lot to me! Megan

Monday, September 26, 2011

Tubbie Time

Every night around seven Lydia gets a bath as part of her unwind process, which hopefully leads to peaceful and lengthy periods of sleep. My dad sweetly likes to refer to it as Tubbie Time. Lydia greatly prefers Tubbie Time to Tummy Time! Tubbie Time is a great way to overcome the evening fussiness that often occurs if we have had a busy day. As always, Lydia loves the warmth. Plus she enjoys licking the water off her hands. Poor girl hasn't had a true drink of water ever! For me, I love the way she smells following a bath and baby lotion. Megan

Sunday, September 25, 2011

What to be for Halloween?!?!?

Lydia was planning on being a ladybug for her first Halloween but when I tried it on her today, it was snug. With the rate at which she is growing, it is not going to fit a month from now. Plus, Lydia doesn't like having things on her head so she fussed when I put up the hood (the cutest part of the costume). So now back to the drawing board. Oh, what to be for Halloween!?!? Megan

Friday, September 23, 2011

Tummy Time

This is Lydia's how-much-longer-do-I-have-to-endure-this-torture face. Though certainly not a fan of tummy time, she is now able to complete the recommended routine without a huge meltdown. Megan

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Grandma Carole Comes to Visit!

My mother has been visiting the past few days and it has been truly wonderful. The best part has been watching Lydia smile at her, though having our first date night since Lydia's birth was also very much appreciated. I didn't worry for a second. Clearly, Lydia was in excellent hands. Megan

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Therapeutic Laugh

I was surfing my Babycenter June 2011 Babies Forum, and the following posts made me laugh. I am certainly not alone. Megan

"We got cheeseburgers last night because we are moving. By the time DH got back I was starving. Know what I did? I opened my mouth, inserted the cheeseburger, and ate it. Then I repeated with the fries. I did not scream at it."

"If I had a personal size swing infront of the tv I would not scream in it. If I had a chair that vibrated my butt, I would not scream in it."

"I wouldnt scream if I had my own personal ass wiper"

Ahhh, Sweet Distal Appendages

For the past few weeks, Lydia has been enthralled with her hands. She often stares at them with mesmerized eyes, as if to say "Wow, think of all the things I will be able to do with these!" I love to see this, as I dream of the day when she will replace a fallen pacifier on her own. Megan

Monday, September 19, 2011

Lydia's Wardrobe

Yes, I admit I am jealous of my three month old. She gets to wear a new outfit practically every day! In fact, yesterday I reorganized her wardrobe to ensure that she would get to wear all the 0-3 month clothing she has been given. I'm already thinking that we need to have another girl, as I'm not ready to say good-bye to all these cute outfits. Megan

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Meaningful Moment

My husband and I spend a lot of time sitting on our balcony with Lydia. She loves the warm air and the sounds of the ocean. This particular photo was taken just days after bringing Lydia home from the hospital and to me it signified a meaningful moment. The dragonfly symbolizes maturity and discovery of one's own true abilities, rather than self-illusions.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Burp Baby Burp

One of my greatest struggles as a first time mom (so far) was figuring out how to burp Lydia. As one my good friends brilliantly put it "Gas is the Enemy!" Believe you me, I tried it all--laying face down on thigh, seated on thigh, over the shoulder, rolling her side to side, and rolling her back and forth. After six weeks of inconsolable crying spells, we finally began to see that the key to burping Lydia is relaxation. Dancing with Lydia on my chest calms her through the discomfort of being "winded" and most often leads to a series of belches. Our favorite tune? Lay Lady Lay by Bob Dylan. Though the lyrics are a tad racy, the melody is mellow and soothing. Works like a charm. Megan

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Robonanny to the Rescue!

Meet my best friend, Robonanny. A Cradle 'n Swing considered a splurge at $100 prior to Lydia's arrival is now valued at close to ten times that amount in my mind! It is the only reason Lydia is able to nap for more than 20 minutes as it instantly lulls her back to sleep when she jerks awake. Also, it allows me to use two hands to feed myself throughout the day. Most importantly, when Lydia is fussy, Robonanny has a soothing ability like none other. Thank you Robonanny. No really, thank you. Megan

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lydia is twelve weeks old today

Twelve weeks ago today I first met Lydia's wide-eyed glare, as if to say "You got what you wanted lady. Now, what are you going to do about it!?!?" Since that moment, Lydia has grown from a tiny (but still robust!) newborn to a thriving, happy baby. As I watch her make discoveries, I overflow with pride. I made this child! Aren't her spit-bubbles magnificent!?!?

Let the blogging begin

Let me start by saying I am not a perfect mom. However, I am a blessed mom. I have a healthy and happy baby girl. My home is a condo overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. Every day I spend with Lydia in our home is a gift. This blog is a way for me to show my appreciation and pay tribute to life's wonderful moments.